Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Red Hot Boudoir and Pinup photography Metro east st louis!

Have you been thinking about getting a sexy shoot done? Here is a little motivation!! Contact St. Louis #1 pin up and Glamour photographer and schedule your shoot today!!

St Louis sexy glamour photography located in Troy, IL

Pin up st louis photography

vintage pinup troy, IL

Classic pinup st louis

modern pinup Illinois

unique Pinup photography st louis

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Weight loss and corset update/info

Just a quick update for those that follow my progress. Here are some great tips for losing weight and staying motivated.
Its been almost two years now since I first started to eat healthy and exercise. Here is what I learned along the way, what I consider the most important things. 1. Stop comparing yourself to others. How they look, what they do for workouts/exercise, how much they lose, what they eat etc. You're not them so your body probably wont respond the same way. 2. Do what works for you. 3. Figuring out what works for you is hard. Really. Two years later and I still have my ups and downs (literally) with my weight. I have weeks where I am very into exercising and eating well, I have weeks where I suck. I lose weight I gain weight, I try this then I try that. Its a hell of a balancing act, hang in there. 4. Try not to be an asshole to yourself. Didnt work out for a week? Ok, so what? Shit happens, life happens. Did you eat something bad? Fuck it! Habits are hard to overcome and some sneak back occasionally. Enjoy it and move on. 5. YOU"RE NOT PERFECT, you will NEVER be PERFECT. WHAT THE FUCK IS PERFECT ANYWAYS? 6. even though its nice to see how far you've come,never forget how far you still have to go. 7. Its a lot easier not to eat the damn calories in the first place. But sometimes its worth it. 8. Never give up, No matter what. Its your life, your body, live it like you want to and never lose sight. 9. Posting motivational post does motivate me. 10. Tell everyone your goal, so you feel like a complete shithead if you fail. BTWs 40 Pounds down is my goal AND to run my 1/2 marathon this year, with a full next year. 11. Encourage those you tell to ride your ass in a positive way. 12. Put yourself out there, truly nice people will help motivate you and you them. 13. Never be ashamed of who you are or who you were, but do make sure you be the best you there is. Whatever that means to YOU :) ♥

125Lbs Weight loss after and before. No crash diets, no pills no wraps, just hard work and determination! You can do it too!

I also corset trained along the way so if you're interested in tight lacing your waist please visit my guest blog on the fabulous Fuller Figure Fuller bust site! While you're there see what Georgina has to say, she is amazing! :)

See the blog here

With Corset from Orchard corset. Lucy style 426

Also check out my site HERE to schedule your st louis pin up shoot!! we offer Boudoir, glamour and pinup photography in the st. Louis area!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello ladies!!
Its been a busy few months here at VI! Sherrie and I are working on the information for our spokes model search! We'd love some feedback on what you'd like to see, how you'd like us to choose and what you think qualifies a person to be a spokes model! I do know this person will be Sherrie and I's go to muse, our photo shoot genie pig and our promoter.  They will also get a private shoot a year, complete with some other goodies. So let us know what you want to see, who you want to see and anything you think we should consider :)

Remember we'd like to have her located in and around the st. Louis area for easy access to pin up shoots and boudoir shoots.

Vintage Imagery is located in Troy IL, just minutes from downtown St. louis, MO. We offer the areas best pinup recreations and modern pinup & boudoir photography!